Hello Fernan Lake Village residents, please read the information below, exciting news for a Fernan Lake shoreline restoration project. Feel free to forward this request for volunteers to your family and friends This is a great opportunity for Fernan Lake, PLEASE CONSIDER JOINING THE EFFORT, VOLUNTEERS NEEDED! Here are the […]
The Fernan City Council Meetings for February, March and April will be held at: The Fernan Ranger Station. Please disregard previous changes in Meeting location. Thank you! Meetings begin at 6:30 pm
newsletter April 2012 Please click the link above to enjoy words from the Fernan Mayor and news from the community. Thank You!
Below is the link to a couple of pictures of a recently found kitten in Fernan Lake Village. If you have lost a kitten, please contact 699-6976 ASAP! Kitten Found in Fernan!
On behalf of Fernan Lake Village, we would like to welcome Dick Jurvelin as the new Mayor!!! We would also like to welcome back Peter Job as councilman and introduce Heidi Acuff as a new councilwoman! Thank you all for voting
The link below is a newsletter that each Fernan resident should receive via snail mail within a few business days. Please review the information and dont forget to Vote!! Election Year 2011